Thoughts On Choices And Life

Occasionally, I see a social media post123 re-quoting:

Hard Choices, Easy Life
Easy Choices, Hard Life

Hard Choices Easy Life Options
Hard Choices Or Easy Choices

NOTE: This phrase is also a common headline for LinkedIn profiles. Try searching LinkedIn for “Hard Choices, Easy Life”.

This popular quote attributed to Jerzy Gregorek 4. The post’s comments are filled with messages of agreement and confirmation. At first, this quote rings true. It sounds like a different form of advice I’ve been given many times.

$$You+Hard Work=Success$$

After thinking about this saying, I question the truth it holds. Maybe I notice what it ignores. My opinion is

  1. It is a good quote.
  2. It is a bad quote.

The Good

This maxim promotes long-term thinking over short-term gains. Encourages taking on challenge, sacrifice, and delaying gratification. Experience with these minimizes future hardships.

Four-Square Grid With Alternative Options
More Options

The Bad

The saying implies that Hard Choices are all that is needed for an Easy Life. It ignores that not all people have the same access to opportunity. Luck influences life’s outcomes. It’s very possible to make the Hard Choices and still have a Hard Life. There are some combinations missing from the four-square chart. Those are:

  1. Hard Choices, Hard Life
  2. Easy Choices, Easy Life
Four-Square Grid With Alternative Options Filled In
The Missing Options

The Balance

It’s unfair to condemn the quote because it fails to consider nuance and factors beyond our control. I don’t think it was meant to be an absolute truth. Does a pithy saying like this really deserve this much scrutiny? Probably not. But there was a time when I would be triggered by seeing this posted. I’ve said my peace. The next time I see this quote, I’ll let it go.
